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Lee Siew Kit

Lee Siew Kit

Vice President (Technology and IT), Singapore Cruise Centre Pte Ltd
Mr. Lee is Head of Technology & IT at Singapore Cruise Center Pte Ltd. He leads a team of IT Managers and Specialists to architect, design, deploy and support technology and IT solutions for the enterprise. He leads the Digital Transformation journey for the organization. He is also the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and Lead Cybersecurity Personnel for the organization. With 30 plus years of aviation and a few years of maritime industry experiences spanning airline, ground handling, MRO, airport, and related ferry and cruise terminal, Mr. Lee has vast experiences conceptualizing, prototyping, innovating, architecting, designing, implementing, and maintaining technology and IT solutions to support aviation (ground and air), food and logistics businesses, and smart cities. He also has vast experiences in leading large teams, working with industry solution partners, and setting up new initiatives/programme, infrastructure, and systems. He has also led several overseas projects, e.g., US, Middle East, ASEAN, China, etc. prior to joining SCCPL, Mr. Lee has held senior management job roles in Singapore Airlines (as Team Manager), SATS (as CIO), NCS (as Practice Director (Aviation) and Client Service Lead (Aviation)), and Changi Airport Group (as GM, T5 Planning). As a NCS consultant, he was involved in several Airport Digital/IT Master plan and Smart and Safe City projects (including Integrated Security and Management System (ISMS), Video Analytics (VA) and Digital Twin solutions). Mr. Lee was PMI-certified when he was managing programs and projects.